I have been wanting to make pies with the girls, it went pretty good...
other than a HUGE MESS!
You can't have fun cooking if you can't get messy.
I taped the measurements for each ingredient on the cupboard,
"There you go, now make your crust"
"Take your time, double check yourself, because your crust will not taste good
if you make a mistake"
Some of them didn't like Apple pie and wanted to make something else or just the crust,
"You don't have to eat it, but this is what we are making today so that
you can learn how to make a pie"
Hannah showing how you toss your dough from one hand to the other, "Like this"
Interesting pie crust making skills, I just smiled and let her share her knowledge.
How they knew what was going on....I will not know.
They did an excellent job assembling their pies.
I hope those they shared their pies with enjoyed them.
Sweet precious girls!!!
Well done girls.