Thursday, June 2, 2011

School Is Out!

 Our first Achievement Days after school is out!
The snow is finally gone and they could jump on the tramp.
They even noticed that it had been moved.
Troy, "That is so you can watch them better"
Here they are singing "Doe, Ray, Me" from the Sound of Music.
We caught up with their scrape books and then had an ice cream sandwich.
We are so excited to finally be able to do some things outside.
We are planning on a bike ride!
 A few of them love collecting the eggs and the asking for one to keep.
They make "warm nests" for them to see if they will "hatch".
They look for the biggest, prettiest eggs.
I figure, what the heck, it's not like I don't have a frig full of eggs.
 Look at those sweet smiling faces.