Today the girls made cookies to take home to their families.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
I had them in two groups of three and let them go at it.
Six little girls baking cookies can be an interesting experience
specially after a long day at work.
They did really well.
We learned how many 1/4th make a 1/2, how many 1/2's
make a cup. We learned a easier way to measure out shortening,
how to level off ingredients, the difference between tsp and tbs.
How to beat batter without spraying it all over themselves and the walls,
break eggs in the bowel, not mixing batter with fingers,
not handling the cookie dough like a ball of play dough,
how to take turns, make even sized dough balls, placing them evenly
separated on the cookie tray, reading a recipe.
Kristel & Hannah offered to do dishes!!
I was told not to tell mom's because it's better doing it for someone else,
"like a service project"
They deserved licking the beaters.
We didn't get them baked in time for them to take home,
so I promised I would finish baking and deliver them.
Miss Scientist presented a science project at the Elementary School Science Fair
"Heads or Tails"
Her project was about the probability of flipping a head or tail.
She discovered that out of 100 flips she flipped heads or tails
45 to 55, almost an even 50/50 outcome.
Good job, Girl!